Gorgeous Days

My brother Chris put this beautiful photo montage together for our dad's 103rd birthday. His first birthday we've had to celebrate without him.
1 min read

The Problenym

There are cases when you experience two different problems in some relational graph that seem to be the same problem but are not actually the same. They have the same sound, a similar definition, but the root causes and the solutions are very different. These usually manifest as conflicting definitions
2 min read

HIIT-ing Work

Everyone who has worked with me knows that I'm not a fan of Agile. I'm not a fan of the philosophy, the religion, or the self-indulgent arrogance of the manifesto. And in many ways, the die-hard fans of Agile are worse than Agile itself. I mean, come on people. We
7 min read


The Kyrie is maybe one of the most interesting parts of the mass before 1962. Because for over a thousand years the Kyrie was the only part of the mass that was Greek. Instead of Latin. You can hear the differences in the work of Orlando de Lassus, Zarlino, and
1 min read

Planning for Information Growth

I'm sure there is academic literature somewhere that has the exact formula, but my guess is that organizational information grows at approximately the square of the membership of the organization. This isn't just because one more person adds that much more information, but the reason you are adding people is
8 min read
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